A Biochemist's blog

Geek? Who's the geek?

March 24, 2003

March 24, 2003 Monday 12.46 AM
I'm still up. n_n
I took a quiz at Quizilla: Which Final Fantasy 8 character are you? and got selphie! Yey!

You are Selphie!


March 23, 2003 Sunday 4.08 PM
*yawns* I woke up around 2.30 pm and I'm still sleepy. Anyway, I totally have no plans this summer. Hey guys, could anyone of you invite me for some gimmick, outing or some interesting stuff to do. P-l-e-a-s-e!!!

later days!

March 22, 2003 Saturday 8.59 PM
I'm exhausted! It was a fun and exciting day! My 3a-barkada went to Tagaytay to have fun.

I had a great time! I ate and ate (as always)... it was eat-all-you-can... and the best thing was it was FREE!!! Anyway, I had a chance to see Tagaytay again, and fly a kite.

Hey ^isis, I kept my word... so, don't worry, ok?

ej-chan out.


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